Your mindset can lessen your pain.
Life is full of pain. I absolutely refuse to tell you to wear the happy face mask and ignore the mountain of problems and pain and pretend that everything is ok. Life does not stop throwing a curb ball at us and every day there is something to rattle us and make us feel uncomfortable. Now the most important question is how we could cope with these daily struggles and not only endure less suffering and be more resilient but also feel more content in the process. Of course, I am not talking about happiness and I am not trying to preach to you to be positive and disregard the daily struggles. It is hard and in fact silly to feel happy when you are facing problems in a daily basis and in a tough environment. But I think there is a way to feel content even in these conditions. In fact, in majority of times, what makes us content is within us, how we feel about ourselves, our position and accomplishments in life, our connections with others, and our contributions to universe. Yes, they, all are within our reach and control. It is our choice.
Re-frame our mindset and understand the beauty and magic of life.
I say we must re-frame our mindset. First and foremost, understand the beauty and magic of life and being alive, and then accept the daily pain as the essential challenges and interpreting the pain as part of the process to grow, get stronger and more resilient. This “mindset change” does not eliminate the pain but for sure it lessens our suffering. It makes them more tolerable and gradually it would associate them with personal contentment in our mind, feeling fulfill for who we become during this journey. It is like a marathon runner who train hard every day to prepare and be able to endure the pain of running the long distance and in this process feels more content by accomplishing his goal.
Medical profession, at its core, is associated with daily pain and struggles, not only for our patients and their families but also for the health professionals. The current health care system and the way we deliver our care also has escalated these struggles for both parties. It seems that every step to change this system whether has worsen these problems or created the new ones. I know from the bottom of my heart that the main problem is the deviation from our basis of humanity and formation of the culture of indifference among us. This has really separated us and forced us to feel lonely and dispirit. Medical profession is a platform for practicing and experiencing this concept of “mindset change”. It gives us a meaning for life, a platform for serving others, creating a true humane connection, and striving to heal and relieve others pain and suffering. Believing this incredible value allows us to accept the daily struggles as essential challenges for an amazing cause which make those challenges tolerable and even fulfilling.
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