My journey through pain toward gratitude by Debbie Grayston
My goal in life was to be a good wife and mother. My family was and still is my priority. My husband and I raised 2 beautiful boys. One is alive today but the other took his own life June 1st, 2013 after suffering for many years with depression. Depression tears a family apart and we, the 3 of us left are just starting to heal. My husband and I were blessed to become very active in a parent Alanon group after our younger son became addicted to prescription pain medication. This was 3 1/2 years ago before Llewynn left us and it has helped us not only to survive our pain but to be grateful for each and every day we are alive.
The reason this program has worked for us is that it is a place where people can come to share what is in their hearts without judgement. HOPE stands for “hearing other people’s stories”. When you are present in this group of people you feel that you are not alone and that your problems are shared and you have hope that things will get better. At first I felt shame, guilt, sadness and I was afraid to speak up. As time went on, I felt more comfortable and, when I shared, I released some pain and I felt better. And I felt loved!
I really hope that the PHPEP meetings can be a place where each person, if they wish, can share their story with the group. It would help us to get to know each other better, on a more personal level, and become more connected. In this way, the culture of the hospital would only become more positive and this would be beneficial for ourselves as well as our patients. Please share with me! I will listen! With love…
I’m so sorry for your loss.. I grew up in Woodbridge and I knew Llewynn when I was younger … he was one of the smartest kids in our school. I also remember how involved you were at Stone Creek and how great you were as well . Sending prayers to you and your family xo