Patient Health Professional Experience Project
Compassion . Connection . Care . Kindness

Welcome to Oasis 4Humanity


“Compassion, Connection, Care, Kindness”

ALERTS: Justified textIn recent decades there have been significant changes in health care system and how medicine has been practiced. Health care is a giant, mysterious machine, with increasing policies, procedures, cost-containing regulations and maximizing efficiency efforts. The priorities in health care have changed and allowed much less time for interactions among patients and health care professionals. Therefore, their angelic relationship has been crumbled and a mistrust has been created. The medical practice in majority of cases is algorithm base medicine with a little or no flavor of humanity. This has resulted exhausted and unhappy health care professionals and dissatisfied patients. In order to alleviate this problem we must restore the humanity in our care. The four most important pillars of humanity that must be applied in our practice are compassion, connection, care and kindness. By merging the high quality patient care with the essence of humanity we could treat the patient illness, create an outstanding patient experience, capture the patient’s heart and soul and develop a long lasting loyalty and trust. However, creating a remarkable patient experience in health care is connected and interdependent on health professional experience which requires a universal movement of change in the culture of the healthcare towards humanity.

ALERTS: Justified textThis blog is advocating for the restoring the essence of humanity into health care. The idea is to share ‘stories’ of compassion, human connection, care, and kindness with colleagues and our patients. The acknowledgment of these acts would encourage us to do more, to promote our bond for an incredible cause and improve our relationship with patients.

ALERTS: Justified textSharing the stories of humanity towards the patient and towards other member of the health care team might be more crucial now, than ever before.

“Share your stories and your experiences of humanity in patient care”

Your mindset can lessen your pain

Your mindset can lessen your pain

Your mindset can lessen your pain. Life is full of pain. I absolutely refuse to tell you to wear the happy face mask and ignore the mountain of problems and pain and pretend that everything is ok. Life does not stop throwing a curb ball at us and every day there is something to rattle…


Oasis4Humanity-Magic of Human Connection

Magic of Human Connection

21st century is the era of communication. The technology has allowed us to perform faster transaction and easier communication, but unfortunately at a tremendous price of tarnishing the authentic human connection. Most of us are communicating through our devices and social media, with no sense of genuine relationship or friendship.


Mindfulness in Medicine by Dr Iraniha

After having an uncomplicated laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, a 90 year old cachectic, fragile but extremely sharp and pleasant female was recuperating at the surgical floor. She reported some abdominal pain and lack of urination several times to the night nurse and received multiple doses of pain medication overnight. Next morning, when she was visited by her surgeon and asked how she was doing, she said “I`m miserable.



PHPEP at West Anaheim Medical Center

PHPEP at West Anaheim Medical Center It all started with a challenge in an executive meeting to start a project for improving the patients` experience at West Anaheim Medical Center. I am a General Surgeon and Hernia Specialist with more than 15 years of experience at West Anaheim Medical Center. Medicine has always been my…


Dr Iraniha-Wellbeing of health care professionals.

Well-being in health care professionals

Well-being in health care professionals “PHPEP” is promoting a new culture in our health care system based on attention to wellbeing of our health care professionals and creation of patient experience. These elements are interconnected and enhance each other. However, we cannot expect creating remarkable patient experiences with exhausted, burnout health professionals in our stressful…



Medical Care, a platform for flourishing in life

Life is all about survival and happiness. What motivates a human being to do anything is somehow related to desire for survival and quest for happiness. Happiness or well being is a feeling that comes from experiencing positive emotions and overall sense of satisfaction in life. The positive emotions, healthy relationships, life purpose, engagement and accomplishment are the necessary elements for well being and happiness.


Oasis4humanity-Changing the culture in health care-Dr Iraniha

Changing the culture in health care

“PHPEP” is all about creating a new culture in health care system where wellbeing of health professionals and patient experience are the main mission. This idea is based on a belief that these elements are link to each other and feed from one another. Establishing a new culture in our health care system with all its complexities, priorities and struggles is an extremely difficult task and will requires time and personal and institutional commitment and effort.
